

Engineering Department Responsibilities:

  • Design of Municipal Construction Projects
  • Construction Inspection
  • Construction Staking
  • Yearly Sidewalk Construction & Maintenance
  • Utility Record Keeping for: Water Mains, Sanitary Sewers and Storm Sewers
  • Updating Maps of Utility Locations
  • Registered Deed and Easement Record Keeping
  • Respond to MISS DIG Call-outs
  • Implement and Maintain the City's Geographic Information System (GIS)
  • Locating and Marking Property Corners using Existing Information (See note below)

Note: The City of Escanaba Engineering Department does not perform surveys. The Engineering Department Staff will attempt to locate and mark existing property corners upon request (free of charge) using information that is found in the vicinity. The Engineering Department Staff cannot verify that pins or survey information found in the ground are valid. The City of Escanaba assumes no responsibility for property corner markings, measurements or errors thereof. If you are need of a full legal survey, please contact a local survey company.