Central Dispatch


Delta County Central Dispatch is currently comprised of eight full-time civilian dispatchers and two part-time civilian dispatchers.  The operation is housed in the Escanaba Public Safety Complex and overseen by the Public Safety Patrol Captain/911 Coordinator.

In 2004, Delta County Central Dispatch center was upgraded to be a true 911 call center.  The Dispatch Center received a grant for mapping computers which use ANI/ALI (Automated Number Identification/Automatic Location Identification) along with global positioning.  The upgrades make it possible to locate the originator of a phone call on a map and display the mapping information to the 911 Operator. Today the ANI/ALI and Global Positioning are used to help the 911 Operator pinpoint, within 100 feet of where a caller is located if they are using a cell phone to call 911. 

In 2006, Delta County approved a millage to help support Delta County Central Dispatch. 911 Technology is constantly evolving and in order to best serve the citizens of Delta County, the Delta County Central Dispatch Authority has continually made a concerted effort to stay on the cutting edge of the newest technology. This would not be possible without monies generated by the millage.