"Shake Your Mailbox"

What does "Shake Your Mailbox" mean?

"Shake Your Mailbox" is an activity designed minimize frustration and get homeowners involved in proactive mailbox maintenance.  

"How to Shake Your Mailbox" -Courtesy of the County Road Association of Michigan

If your mailbox or post moves when shaken, we are asking that you prepare for winter by tightening screws and securing the post and box. 

The majority of damage to resident's mailboxes during our winter operations are not caused by a direct hit from the snowplow. The snowplows do not actually touch the mailboxes. The force from the snow thrown from the plow when clearing the roadway will most likely damage a loose mailbox.

We are not responsible for mailbox damage caused by snow thrown when clearing the roadway, however if your mailbox has clearly been hit by our snow plow, we have a policy in place to replace the mailbox.

Local community organizations are encouraged to help homeowners and renters who may be unable to check for mailbox damage and make needed repairs.

About Mailboxes in the Road Right-of-way

Mailboxes are one of the only objects allowed by law in the road right-of-way.  

The location and construction of mailboxes must conform to specific rules and regulations. Information on rules and regulations are available on the United States Postal Service (USPS) website at https://www.usps.com/manage/mailboxes.htm.